17 JULY 2010

A wildfire hit our estate in Varnavas village. Almost 80% of our estate (top photo) was burned to ashes - house suffered some damages.We barely manage to escape with two cars and four dogs passing through flames of the small forest adjacing our house (second photo below). Cats escaped fire as well since we did not have the time to take them with us.  The fire came from north (from behind the hills from the area of Kalamos - 8km away [third photo below]) and due to strong winds burned everything in between...

It is a crime and someone has to pay for this!

In just a few minutes, efforts of a life span became ashes... One might say that since we are OK and our beloved pets are OK, then everything is OK as well... No, it is not OK! What about the environment we will have to live in? What about the quality of our life? What about the death of livestock - what a terrible death! What about the cry of mother Nature - one can hear early in the morning or late at dawn? What about the death of dreams of people that burned due to fire? We bought our trees 50cm high and until that Saturday we grew up together to enjoy them being 4m high. And now they are dead... Asking why? C'est la vie???